Online Content Writer Business Cards

Alfa Mercado wrote:
If I am a web content writer or I blog for a living, how should I mention that in my business card, how do I put that on my business card in a way that even those unfamiliar with my job will be enlightened?

Alfa, thanks for your question. I wrote similarly about freelance writer business cards, that post might help too.

For your specific business, I understand how you feel. Many people don’t realize that a lot of what they read on the internet isn’t written by those who claim it on there own. Often called Ghostwriting or Ghostblogging.

I have myself purchased content from writers like you for my blogs and websites (not this one, but others). For me, finding those people was a matter of either searching forums, or checking freelance job sites.

For people who aren’t technically savvy, they would be best approached offline, like you are trying to do. Business cards would be perfect for that.

On your content writer business cards, I would make sure and be very specific with the words you choose. Not only because you’re supposed to be a professional writer, but you’re going to have to convey a new idea with only a business card. Here is what I would write:

Have a website? When was the last time it was updated? I provide quality content at affordable prices for your website or blog. By updating often, you are telling your visitors that your website is important, and therefore they are important to your company.

You might need to change that a little, but you get the idea. Make them ask themselves a question, explain what you do and finally why it is important to them. Hook, line, and sinker.

Thanks for the question, anyone else want to submit a question?

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