Property Manager Business Cards

As my wife and I are preparing to rent a new house in California (you don’t want to know the price), I was thinking about the company that manages the property. I have yet to see anything with this companies name or logo on paper except for a black and white flyer they gave me that had a listing of properties in our desired area.

This company is lacking crucial skills needed to fill all of their properties. The first I noticed was the lack of sales skills. When we first walked in the home, the property manager said, “Here it is, if you don’t like it, we have others in this area.”

So much for trying to make a good first impression.

Then when we left, she told us that if we needed to contact her, the phone number was in the phone book!

In the phone book! What she should have said was, “If you want to look at this property again, or see other properties call me, here is my business card.”

For a property manager or property management company, I would recommend buying business cards. Free business cards aren’t necessary because I know the kind of profit margins there are in this industry. You have the money! Get some business cards!Rental House

Property manager business cards should have all of the standard information on the front of the business card, and on the back should have a space for rental home information like square feet, price of rent, deposit required, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, etc.

Each business card should have enough room on the back for one property. Each property that the client is interested in should be put on a different card. This not only looks professional, but it gets more of your business cards into the hands of renters and that is what you want!

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