Get New Clients – Change Your Title

In my daily endeavor to read the entire internet I came upon a website that was talking about occupation titles (If you know of the website, please email me). Some people are “Sales Managers”, others are “Hair Stylist”, someone might be an “Administrative Assistant”. Regardless of what your title actually is, isn’t it boring?

Next time you have business cards printed, free business cards, or paid business cards, think about the following. What do people do when you hand them your business card? If they take it and put it in their pocket, your business card isn’t working hard enough for you.

If on the other hand you give out a business card to someone and they read over it, then ask a question, your business card is doing it’s job, creating conversation about you and your work.

Here is a quick change to your business card that will get people asking about you and what you do.

Change your professional title.

Nobody is impressed with CEO or President titles anymore. For $500 anyone can create a business and give themselves a title. Think outside the box, be creative.

Here are a few examples I thought of that will get people talking and asking questions:

Pet Store owner – Reptile Ruler

Car Salesman – Trade-in Lover
Furniture Salesman – Lead Couch Tester

If you can think of something creative for your business, think of how many additional conversations you’ll get to have with people who would normally throw your business card away!

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