Business Cards for Musicians and Artists

Nikki wrote:
I’m trying to design business cards for couple of “starving artists”. They’ve asked me to include links to their facebook and myspace profiles. Is this appropriate? Do you have any tips on business card layouts for entertainers and visual artists?

Nikki, you should check out local food banks. Business cards are an expensive way to get your starving friends some fiber in their diet! (sorry, that was admittedly lame)

As for FaceBook and MySpace, that depends on who they plan to buy their art, and their target demographic. I looked at your site, and it seems like your artists include musicians. For musicians, MySpace is totally appropriate. FaceBook? Leave that to the college students. However, a blog is a great idea. Even MC Hammer has a blog! (Poor guy needs to buy a real camera, but other than that it’s cool.)

So keep the MySpace and drop the FaceBook.

As for layouts, those 1999 rapper bling cd covers are cool I would stick to something timeless that tells a story. You’ve gotta remember that nobody knows your upcoming artists. This is the perfect place for a business card. Make sure it tells the story in it’s move favorable light.

The back of the business card is the perfect place for a small picture and a little paragraph about how growing up on the rough streets of NYC has played such a vital role in making Threepac the rapper he is today!

Good luck with the new designs, send me an email and I’ll post them when you finish.

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